The 388th's efforts are documented in a variety of ways - books, photos, lists, personal notes etc. Somehow this data has to be loaded onto a database. The easiest way to load the data is to first "computerize" it by putting it into a spreadsheet.
The data collection will be carried out over the internet via email. Data will be loaded into spreadsheets and then checked for accuracy. All of this will be done by volunteers working on small tasks (about an hour in length).
The data entry task involves loading an Excel spreadsheet with data. The Excel spreadsheet is preformated and contains examples to show how and where the data is to be entered. For instance, a data entry task might involve entering the data for two crews. Various data sources are to be used that identify such data. The information from those sources is to be transferred into the spreadsheet per the example.
In addition to data entry tasks, there are also data checking tasks. The data loaded by a data entry person is verified by another individual. The same data sources are used to verify that no typos, omissions, misformats or additional data exist. Small corrections will be made as necessary and the data returned.
Volunteers only need the most basic level of understanding of Excel spreadsheets. They should have the willingness and the time to complete the tasks ASAP. Access to 388th data sources such as the Blue book, the Brown book or crew cards would be helpful. If anyone is interested in helping us out or has questions, please contact us at